
Pastor Winston Grier: What to Do When Life’s Different from What God Has Promised

Scripture Genesis 37 - Genesis 41 Many of us knows what it feels like when promises are broken.[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: Faith Without Works is Useless

Faith is great but faith alone will not get any results. We have to do our part[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: Position Yourself for the Opportunity

In order for us to get what we want from God we must be in a position[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: You Can’t Outrun God’s Love (From the Trap House to God House)

Pastor Winston Grier share multiple stories of how God grâce save him. God change his story and[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: Never Share Your Dreams with Everyone

Pastor Winston Grier shares the story of Joseph and his brothers. Thanks for listening please Like, Comment,[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: God’s Plans For You (From the Trap House to God’s House)

Pastor Grier share how God covered him during à time he should have went to prison. This[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: What Every Business Owner Should Know

1. Know Your Worth 2. Know Your Company's Vision 3. Know Your Purpose Thanks for listening please like,[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: New Beginning

This lesson taught by Pastor Winston Grier comes from Isaiah 43: 18 - 19 the word of[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: How to be Successful in Business

This is 3 nuggets every small business owner need to know in order to succeed in business.[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: Why People Hate on You

We live in a sinful world and because of this people will hate on you. This is[…]