
Pastor Winston Grier: Stay Focus

This message will challenge you to Stay Focused in the mist of distractions and keep your eyes[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: Why Do Most People Fail When Setting New Year’s Goals

Pastor Winston Grier shares insight on why new year goals are so difficult for some people to[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: Your Success Will Make People Uncomfortable & Jealous

1 Samuels 18 Your Success Will Make People Uncomfortable & Jealous. Be Who God Has Called You to[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: God’s Grace

Pastor Winston Grier talks about sin and grace. Today's lesson will answer the question: Is Our Sin[…]

Did Jesus Go on Our Bond or Did He Have Our Charges Dismissed

Pastor Winston Grier speaks on the sacrifice of Jesus death. He focus his message to unpack the[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: The Power of Praying Parents

Pastor Winston Grier has dedicated his life to motivating people both young and old through the teachings[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: How to Win Back Custody of Your Child/Children

The W.O.R.D Podcast with Pastor Winston Grier Scripture Reference: Mark 9: 16 - 26 Parents go fight for your[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: Endure Your Test

Topic: Endure Your Test Weekend Word with Pastor Grier Scripture: James 1:12 Song: I'll Run By Roosevelt Jones & Determine Subscribe[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: How to Win a Custody Battle Spiritually

Topic: How to Win a Custody Battle Spiritually Scripture: Matthew 2:13 -14 The W.O.R.D Podcast with Pastor Winston[…]

Pastor Winston Grier: Better Days Are Coming

Pastor Winston Grier shares a word of inspiration and message of hope. This message teach us how[…]